Select Enquiry List
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Below is a list of the Enquiries that are available for you to request. Please make a selection and click the Next button to continue.
ePathway General Enquiry - Applications
 DescriptionFurther information
Building ConsentsHistoric building consents that have been granted
Resource ConsentsHistoric resource consents that have been granted
ePathway General Enquiry - Licensing
 DescriptionFurther information
Building Warrant of Fitness licencesBuilding warrant of fitness
Food business registrationsCurrently licensed food businesses
Health and bylaw registrationsCurrently licensed health and bylaw businesses
Liquor licensesPublic information on issue and expiry dates for liquor licences
Onsite disposal licensesProperties with current licenses for onsite disposal of waste water
Swimming pools and fence licensesSearch for current swimming pool licences
ePathway General Enquiry - Property
 DescriptionFurther information
Property General EnquirySearch and view public information about a property